Privacy Policy

The data controller for:

  • the Trello Power-Up Export Attachments(power-up)
  • the Trello Power-Up Export Cards(power-up)

is Ketiona Agaj. Ketiona Agaj is a business entity registered in Albania with the registration code L71703038D.

You are free to give or refuse consent:

  • For the website, you can do this immediately when you access the site for the first time
  • For the power-up, you can do this when you enable the power-ups via the Power-Ups view from Trello. You are free to not authorize the power-ups from the popup menu. You can also deauthorize the power-up later from the popup menu.

What is collected and why:

  • The website uses cookies only for analytical purposes. This is done just to get insights of engagement and to see what can be improved.
  • The power-ups do not store any personal information. They only store non-personal information for analytical purposes.